Create a CSV containing all your audience information and generate unique links for Nexweave media for each row of information. Import this CSV to to share personalised and interactive content at scale!
For our demonstration, we are sharing a personalised image in an email that hyperlinks to a video landing page.
Let’s begin by creating a new campaign. If you are new to creating Nexweave campaigns, you can have a look at our campaign documentation here
- Within the Nexweave platform, start by navigating to Campaigns and click on Create New Campaign.
- Set the Campaign Name and select the Campaign Type. You can read more about the available campaign types here.Since we aim to use both Image and Video templates as a part of our campaign, we selected the campaign type as Image + Video. However, you may choose either Image or Video campaigns, based on your preferences.
3. Next select the Image and Video templates you would like to employ for this campaign.
For our demonstration we have selected:
- Image template : Welcome Message - Play
- Video template : Welcome to the family
- Video thumbnail : Welcome Message - Play
Select your either default or custom landing page URL and click on Save and Proceed to continue.
Now let’s proceed to setting up the activation method.
- Start by selecting the Activation Method from the dropdown. For a CSV Campaign, select Bulk Link Campaign.
- Then click on Download CSV Template. This will download a template containing all the variables as column headers in the sheet.
- Populate this CSV template with user data and save it to your files. Please note: If your variables do not include Email, you will need to add that as a CSV column header manually
4. Next, click on Upload CSV and select the populated CSV created in the previous step. You can click to preview the image and video templates selected, if you wish to
5. Once done, click on Generate Links to create unique links for each row.
6. Finally, click on Download links to download the CSV sheet with Nexweave media links included.
You can also click on Embed code to view the Image embed code for email and the video landing page embed code.
Let’s move to to setup contacts and create a Campaign
- Start by logging into your account. If you are new to the platform or need a refresher, you can access their help documents to understand Contact Lists and sequences in detail
- Navigate to People and click on add People
3. In the modal that appears, select Import from CSV
4. Then, click on select CSV file and select the CSV containing audience information and Nexweave Media links, extracted from the nexweave platform in the previous steps.
5. Once uploaded, under Map attributes you will be prompted to map the columns of the CSV file with the contact fields available in
Click on the dropdown under Reply fields and select the column name that matches the corresponding column under CSV file fields
In our demonstration, we have mapped:
- USERNAME -- First Name
- EMAIL -- Email
6. Aside from the above fields, the CSV also contains columns for the personalised image and video links generated.
Since none of the default fields match these column headers, you will need to add custom fields to map.
7. Click on the drop-down corresponding to the image and video link column names, and click on Add custom field. Enter the name of the custom field and select the Type as Text
In our demonstration, we have created and mapped:
- Links -- Videolinks
- Imagelinks -- Imagelinks
Once mapped, click on Continue
8. Under Review and Import click on Import to complete.
Now, let’s create a email sequence
- Navigate to Sequences and click on the ‘+’ icon to start a new sequence
2. You can choose to use one of the existing templates for your sequence. In our demonstration, we have selected Start from scratch
3. Name your sequence on the top left corner of the page, and click on Add Sequence Step to get started.
4. In the email editor, type in the subject and the text that you wish to appear. To incorporate personalisation into the email body, you can click on Variable and select the desired variable from the dropdown.
5. To add the personalised Image, linking to the video landing page, to your email, copy and paste the following code into your email editor
<a href="{{Videolinks}}"> <img src="{{Imagelinks}}", width=”50%”> </a>
- {{Videolinks}} is the variable field we created to map with the Video URLs in the CSV file
- {{Imagelinks}} is the variable field we created to map with the Image URLs in the CSV file
You may replace these fields with the custom fields you created and mapped at your end
Please note : In the Preview mode, you won't be able to see the image, however the same will be reflected once you send it over an email.
Click on Save to continue.
6. Once the email is configured, you may add other steps to the sequence should you wish to. Click on Next to continue
7. Select the Schedule for your sequence to be triggered.
8. Then click on Add People. Since we previously added our contact list from the Nexweave CSV sheet, click on Select Existing.
From the populates list of contacts, select the ones that we imported from the Nexweave CSV file
Please Note: You can alternatively click on import CSV in this step and import the field containing Nexweave links and map to columns
9. Review your settings and click on Next to continue.
10. Finally, review all your steps and click on Save and Launch to complete!