Google Forms to Emails
Send emails with hyper-personalized images when someone fills a Google form.
Nexweave integrates with a variety of automation platforms to help you make the most of automated workflows and engage your customers with real-time hyper-personalised experiences.
In our demonstration we have used Pabbly to create this automated workflow by connecting the following:
The steps to achieve this have been detailed below:
1. Start by Creating your Google form. Once created, navigate to the Responses tab and click on the Google Sheets Icon on the top left. This will create a linked Google sheet that will record the responses of the Google form. You can send a test response to validate the record on Google sheets
2. Log into your account and click on Create Workflow. If you’re new to Pabbly, or need a refresher, you can have a look at their tutorials.
3. Under Choose Trigger, select the application Google Sheets and set the Trigger Event to New Spreadsheet Row.This is done because each additional response received on the Google form will automatically be added to the Google sheet in a new row.
4. You will now need to connect Pabbly with Google Sheets. The steps for the same have been listed within the workflow setup in Pabbly and can also be found here. We have also attached a screenshot below for your reference.
5. Once the above steps have been completed, click on Capture Web-hook response within the workflow to test the connection. For a Form response that has been received and recorded in the google sheet, you can click on Pabbly Webhook Response within Add-ons, and select Initiate setup. In the pop-up that appears, click on Send Test.
Back within the Pabbly Workflow setup, you will then be able to see Webhook Response. Expand the same to verify if the details have been accurately captured.
As can be seen above, the form we are built for our demonstration requests 3 pieces of information from the audience and captures them under 3 variables:
- Enter First Name - The first name of the respondent
- Enter Your website - the domain of the respondent’s company website
- Enter your Email address - The respondent’s email address
With this trigger, each time a new google form is submitted, the above responses will be captured in a new row within the spreadsheet.
6. Once the responses have been verified, click on Save to complete the Trigger Information section.
7. You now have to specify an Action to be executed in the event of the trigger. Click on the ‘+’ icon to open the corresponding section. Select the App under this section as Nexweave and set the Action Event as Create an Experience with a Campaign.
8. Before you proceed, you have to connect Nexweave with Pabbly. This can be executed via the following steps:
- Navigate to your Nexweave Account and go to the Integrations section.
- Here, click on Add Key. In the pop-up that appears, enter the name of the API Key as Pabbly and click on Add key to confirm.
- The key then appears within your integrations list. Click on the Copy icon adjacent to the key
- If you already have an existing API key in the list, directly click on the Copy icon adjacent to the key
- Navigate back to your Pabbly workflow and paste the copied API key. Click on Connect with Nexweave to complete.
9. Once the above connection is established, select the Campaign that you would like to use as an automated response to the form submission. The list mentioned contains the campaigns that you have created on the Nexweave platform. You can learn more about Nexweave Campaigns and how to create them here
In our demonstration we have used an Image Campaign titled – [IMAGE] Website + Logo
10. Once your campaign is selected, the variables employed in it appear below. You will now need to map these Nexweave variables, to the fields of information that are collected via the Google form in the Trigger section.
To do so, against each of the listed Nexweave variables, you will need to click on the 3-line icon and select the corresponding field from under Trigger.
In our demonstration, we have mapped:
- USERNAME --- First Name
- DOMAIN --- Website address
11. Click on Save & Send Test Response. This will generate a link for the media used in the campaign selected above and can be viewed under API response. You can copy the Image link and open it in a new tab to verify if the hyper-personalised image is displayed correctly.
12. You now have to specify how you would like for this personalized image to be shared with your audience. Click on the ‘+’ icon once again, to open another Action.
In our demonstration we have chosen Gmail as the Application for this step, however you may choose to replace that with any other email marketing platform integrated with Pabbly.
13. Select the Action Event as Send an Email. When the trigger event takes place, this will ensure that the selected Nexweave Campaign is automatically launched, and the media link created is subsequently shared via email with the customer
14. Once the App in this section is selected, you will need to click on Connect with Gmail, and select the Gmail Account you would like to use to send these emails from. You can find more information on Connecting your Gmail account and other action events available on Pabbly via their tutorials
15. Once the Email App is selected and connected, the various email fields appear below. These fields, when populated, may be a combination of text as well as variables that have been created through the course of the workflow. You will need to fill in all the fields before completing the workflow
To add variables, against each of the listed fields, you will need to click on the 3-line icon and select the corresponding variable from the list.
In our demonstration, we have mapped:
- Recipient Name --- First Name
- Recipient Email --- Email Address
- Email Subject --- Hey, First Name ! We’ve some insights to share
To add the generated personalized image to the email body, you will need to input the code <img src=”generated image link”/>. The image link will be populated by clicking on the 3-line icon and selecting 2. Image link
16. Once completed, click on Save & Send Test Request to verify if the email has been sent, as designed, and containing the data collected from the form.
17. On the top right corner of the page, ensure that the Workflow Status is kept to ON.
That’s It! Once setup, this workflow is automated and will run smoothly without intervention