Personalized Videos using Texau
Automate the process of sending personalized videos to your Linkedin prospects using Texau and Nexweave.
An example of Nexweave experience sent as a Linkedin message using Texau automation.
The above output can be achieved using Texau's Linkedin Basic Info Extractor Spice & Send a Linkedin message spice along with the Nexweave spice.
This is how the recipe would look like.
Personalised Video Recipe
Detailed Steps:
- Add Linkedin Basic Info Extractor spice and configure the PROFILE URL property to the Linkedin profile link of the Linkedin prospects.
- Add Nexweave spice to the recipe.
- Enter the Nexweave spice details.
- NEXWEAVE API KEY: This is the unique API key for each Nexweave account, you can get it from the Integration tab or generate a new one.
- CAMPAIGN ID / TEMPLATE ID: You can choose to send Nexweave experience from an existing/new campaign or directly from the template. You can choose to select either one of them.
- VARIABLES: Each Nexweave experience can have one or multiple variables. Depending on the template/campaign you may have a different set of variables that needs to be added to the Nexweave spice.
- In the above example, we had a selected Template with a single variable i.e. USERNAME, and we mapped the Nexweave variable value (USERNAME) to the Texau variable (firstName).
- In case, the selected Nexweave Template/Campaigns have more than 1 variable then the same needs to be added here in the Nexweave spice and mapped to the corresponding Texau variable.
4. Add Send a Linkedin Message spice, and include the output of the Nexweave spice inside the message template.
5. Run the recipe.
Updated 25 Mar 2024
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