Getting Started

Introduction to Nexweave


Don't we love it when someone makes something just for us ...

Personalization is a powerful tool when it comes to marketing and it isn't surprising that three out of four marketers are deploying some form of personalization in their emails. That's because it works!

Most of them use the Hi {{firstname}} personalization, which is becoming more of a basic component of every email that goes out from a marketing organization. The same reason why it isn't classified as being 'special' anymore and that's where Nexweave steps in ...

Nexweave helps you create hyper-personalized Images, GIFs & Videos for every member in your contact list, even if you have millions of them!

Here is a glimpse of how they would look ...

Message for Kevin from GetEpic
Message for Kevin from GetEpic

Message for Rado from Hooray Heroes
Message for Rado from Hooray Heroes

Message for Vikaas from
Message for Vikaas from

From the images included above, you can see how we have included the recipient's name, company website screenshot and website name in images.

Messages like these are known to catch the attention of your prospects and result in more than 300% improvement in response rates.

If you're wondering where can I use them, here are some of the ways in which you can use them, here are some examples to look at ...

Using Personalization in Emails

Personalized Images & GIFs can be included in emails as shown below ...

Personalized Image in Emails
Personalized Image in Emails

Using Personalized Videos on Landing Pages

Since Nexweave can create personalized images, GIFs & videos, you can hyper-personalize your landing pages for each and every prospect too!

Here is a glimpse of that ...

Personalized Video on Landing Page
Personalized Video on Landing Page

Now, if you're thinking of the combination of the above where you will send an email like the one mentioned above and make the user click it so that it takes them to the landing page, we can help you do it!

Connected Experiences with Campaigns

With Nexweave's Campaigns, you can weave multiple experiences into customer journeys like the one mentioned here ...

Personalized Emails linked to Personalized Landing Pages

That's correct! With Nexweave Campaigns, you can connect hyper-personalized Images in e-mails to Personalized video landing pages through hyperlinks.

CAMPAIGN - Email to Landng Page
CAMPAIGN - Email to Landng Page

Customer Journeys like these have delivered over 1500% improvement in performance metrics in some cases

Sending Personalized Messages on LinkedIn

If you're big on LinkedIn Outreach, Nexweave can help you send messages like these to your 1st connections on LinkedIn ...

Linkedin Messages to Landing Pages
Linkedin Messages to Landing Pages

While we have covered the most commonly used workflows within our Campaigns Feature, there is a lot more you can do with Nexweave using our APIs.

Personalized Funnels with Automation Tools

Nexweave is integrated with automation tools like Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly, KonnectzIt & Integrately! This opens up a world of possibilities for you to connect Nexweave to 1000+ applications and include Nexweave in your sales & marketing funnels, business automation and so much more!

Some of the use-cases for these are ...

  1. Sending Personalized Emails to users when they fill up a form. This can be a Google Form, a Calendly Form or a form on your website/landing page.
  2. Sending Personalized Messages on completing an order (or abandoning the cart). These messages can be delivered to WhatsApp as well if you are using a WhatsApp Business API (or an app that facilitates a WhatsApp API connection)
  3. Show Personalized Messages on Thank you pages once a user has completed an action. Within minutes you can embed a Nexweave experience in most platforms that permit you to embed codes.

We're discovering new use-cases every day as our 250+ community members share them with us! Join our Facebook group and stay updated on our latest updates

Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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